Entrepreneurs are increasingly turning to food trucks to get their enterprises up and running. Mobile restaurants, however, have a higher-than-average risk of catching fire, endangering the lives and property of everyone in the vicinity, not just the people who work there. Losses can be severe if they occur, leading to expensive lawsuits and potentially life-altering bodily harm.
Follow these five simple guidelines to keep your food truck business safe from fire.
Take Precautions to Keep Your Propane Tank Safe
Propane tanks are involved in the burning of roughly 70% of all food trucks. Don’t overfill your tank to avoid the risk of an explosion due to a lack of appropriate space for the liquid propane to expand as the temperature rises. According to the legislation, it is illegal to overfill propane tank cylinders that have a capacity of 40 to 100 pounds. Make sure there aren’t any gas leaks and maintain routine maintenance. Ensure the hoses aren’t worn out and have no holes or tears. Knowing your tank and when it was manufactured or recertified is essential. Make sure the tanks on the truck are appropriately secured and stored.
Ensure that the proper fire extinguishing gear is in place
A licensed and insured contractor should install a fire suppression system in your truck to protect your industrial cooking equipment. This system must be professionally maintained every two years to ensure optimal performance. Always keep a Class K fire extinguisher in your kitchen.
A Proper Ventilation Exhaust System Must Be Installed and Maintained
Hood ventilation exhaust systems are meant to remove smoke and debris from a food truck’s interior and collect oil and grease that accumulates while cooking. To keep fat from building up in your hood system, have it serviced by a professional every three months.
Accurately Train Your Employees
Employees must be trained in the most common fire safety techniques, such as:
- Extinguishing systems and portable fire extinguishers
- How to turn off a fuel source correctly
- How to get in touch with your neighborhood fire department
Gas connection leak testing: a step-by-step guide
In the event of an emergency, how to appropriately shut down propane systems and electrical power
In an emergency, how should the food truck be evacuated safely?
Your employees will be more prepared in an emergency if they are familiar with these guidelines and procedures.
Flammables should be stored safely
Storage of flammable liquids (such as cleaning chemicals and gasoline) in firmly sealed containers as far away from heat and flame sources as possible is advised, as is the storage of paper products (such as linens and boxes). Dispose of waste, especially combustible materials like oil-soaked rags, at least once daily to prevent the accumulation of debris, which can lead to the spread of flames.