The kitchen is the most common place where building fires start.
The likelihood of such a scenario increases when managing a New Mexico commercial kitchen in a restaurant or other food processing facility. Fire is a major risk in commercial kitchens.
In 2024 alone, NFPA estimates that the number of human injuries will be about 75 and property damage will be around $172 million as a result of restaurant fires.
A fire can be destructive to a business and human life. Those who have endured real fiery destruction know this bittersweet truth. This man’s determination to eliminate fire-related injuries and companies that catch on fire often don’t come back from it, shutting down for good.
For these reasons and many more, business owners, managers, and supervisors need to ensure that the building that they maintain has adequate fire safety measures in place. This fact is especially true for those who work with or near restaurant kitchens.
Training for Commercial Kitchen Fire Safety
Most of the fixtures found in a commercial kitchen increase fire danger. These risks are not limited to the following devices: ovens, ranges, fryers, and broilers. These cooking devices operate at very high temperatures, and their use is associated with an increased fire risk. Additionally, a lot of these elements also work very near to fats, cooking oils and other flammable supplies,
At least 60% of all commercial fires studied by the NFPA are caused by cooking equipment used in restaurants. This fact reflects the need for fire safety measures to be implemented in commercial kitchens.
This includes ensure sufficient fire safety measures with hoods, ducts, suppression systems, fire alarms, and more. Like any other component, they need regular maintenance and upkeep to be reliable.
Fire Safety Requirements
Our national government has on record put out there the need for fire safety. The NFPA provides compliance guidelines for all eligible business to follow to assure that fire safety is practiced in businesses and public places.
A document created by the NFPA offers a guide on standards expected of all commercial kitchens is titled: ’96 Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations’.
In this document, the role of fire protection will be explained as well as the need to reduce risk and mitigate effects of a fire.
Standards are available for automatic and portable fire-extinguishing systems, among other fire-extinguishing system options. So, portable fire extinguishers are a backup defense, as automated fire systems are the first line of defense against fires.
Professionals in the industry acknowledge that a wet chemical system is the most suitable fire control system for commercial kitchens. This has made them the most popular suppression systems in use today for restaurant kitchens.
Here is an overview of the NFPA 96 requirements, focusing on wet chemical fire suppression systems and automatic and portable fire extinguishing systems.
Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems
NFPA recently updated 96 to require placards placed over every portable fire extinguisher. Automatic fire extinguishing systems should be activated before the decision to use portable extinguishers as indicated in these placards.
Knowing this is important, as automatic fire extinguishing systems are superior to portable extinguishers. This update was implemented in response to the fact that commercial kitchens are becoming more and more sophisticated in nature. More modern kitchen appliance in particular can achieve temperatures much higher than the old school designs. Newer kitchen appliances generate abnormally high heat that can spark fires that are more difficult to put out. Often, in those cases, a portable fire extinguisher becomes ineffective. But automatic extinguishing systems remain highly effective in putting these fires out.
Although the name implies automatic fire extinguishing systems can be activated manually. Heat extraction methods These are systems that include a trigger that automatically invokes the system given that a certain heat threshold is crossed. But, should the system not detect high heat temp for some reason, then the system can start_to use an extinguisher in manual control.
It is worth remembering that fires expand at extraordinary rates. Seconds is all it takes for a small, controllable fire to become an uncontrollable fire. But fires at your business of any size are an immediate threat. NOTE: Activating your automatic fire extinguisher system should always be first priority when a fire event occurs.
All other measures to limit a fire should come second. These responses include turning off the electricity or gas or using a portable extinguisher.
Class “K” Fire Extinguishers
Even though wet chemical fire suppression systems are the most effective and reliable fire suppression systems money can buy, suppression systems are not failure-proof. Due by this, portable fire extinguishers must always be considered as second means.
The NFPA understands this, which is why the NFPA 96 and the NFPA 10 Standard both have requirements for portable fire extinguishers in commercial kitchens.
Class “K” fire extinguishers are specifically designed for oil and grease fires, which is why they are perfect for use in commercial kitchens. These spray chemical agents that coat hot oils or grease with a non-flammable, soap-like substance.
The size of class “K” extinguisher needed is mostly based on the size and configuration of the specific commercial kitchen in question. The more dangerous your situation, the bigger extinguisher you will require available.
The best way to find out what size “K” extinguishers you’ll need for your business is to check with your local Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).
Class “K” vs Class “B”
Fire extinguishers with a Class “K” rating are commonly confused with Class “B” extinguishers for good reason. Class “B” extinguishers are to be used for fires from flammable liquids or chemicals.
Even though hot oil and grease are technically classifi ed as flammable liquids, these extinguishers are not specifi cally designed for use on hot oil and grease. Class “K” extinguishers put out grease/oil fires directly and wheels and knobby fires specific to locker room/health club applications.
For this reason, plus many others, when selecting portable fire extinguishers for your commercial kitchen, go with class “K” versus class “B.”
Wet Chemical Fire Suppression Systems in Commercial Kitchens
Wet chemical fire suppression systems are an ideal fire prevention equipment for any restaurant or commercial kitchen. These systems work to protect hoods, ducts, and cooking appliances from fire risks.
These systems are known as “pre-engineered”, meaning they are uniquely specified by their manufacturer. Hence, the manufacturer defines the installation, repair, and maintenance and may be different from the rest of the systems of the same class.
For this mismatch, arrangements must be made with certified technicians verified by the system’s manufacturer. These helpful technicians will teach you and your employees the correct way to install, repair, and maintain. In addition, once the equipment is installed, they can do full checks on your setups to make sure they are being treated with the right care and used effectively.
Wet chemical fire suppression systems spray a soap-like chemical agent that reacts with oil and grease to form a thick, non-combustible foam. This foam will smother out the fire and also, the temperature is lowered below the burning point.
Usually, these fire suppression systems utilize a suppression tank that contains the chemical agent and piping integrated in the ductwork of the building. This setup enables the fire suppression system to encompass the entire kitchen, offering maximum fire safety and fire protection.
Installation Requirements
Proper design and positioning of the piping are essential to the effective installation of wet chemical fire suppression systems.
The placement and installation configuration of the system’s piping should integrate the existing ductwork of the establishment. I understand you are not an experienced technician, but can you check all existing infra before the installation for a new or an upgrade of an existing wet chemical fire suppression
Designing your one of a kind fire suppression system is the role of certified contractors. Fire suppression contractors must be trained in both the federal and local fire codes for your area and the specific needs of your system. Manufacturers of these systems train and hire contractors to do so.
We recommend reaching out to your system of choice system’s manufacturer to finalize the design and installation of that system.
There are specific AJH guidelines that need to be undertaken when designing and implementation of a fire suppression system. To ensure compliance, agency mandates all installers present the AJH with certification before and after installation. If the installer confirms compliance with all regulations – both AJH standards and the manufacturer’s standards – this certification is valid.
Fire Suppression System Regulations
Wet Chemical fire suppression systems have many requirements outlined in the NFPA 96 and the ANSI/UL 300. The rules specify what will be deemed acceptable for fire test methods, maintenance, quality standards, inspection grade, etc., etc.
Although wet chemical fire suppression systems are the most effective, fire prevention is not limited to wet chemical systems. All commercial-grade kitchens can or must operate many different types of fire safety systems.
Examples include grease removal devices, hood exhaust systems, etc. Most fire safety systems are regulated under ANSI/UL 300 or other certifying bodies.
Let the local New Mexico fire safety pros, Brazas Fire, help you find out if your kitchen’s fire prevention system meets federal and local codes, just call 505-889-8999