Brazas Fire > Blog > Restaurant Hood Cleaning > How Do You Determine How Often to Schedule Your Restaurant’s Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning Service?

How Do You Determine How Often to Schedule Your Restaurant’s Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning Service?

How Do You Determine How Often to Schedule Your Restaurant’s Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning Service?

One of the most common questions we get from new clients is how often they should be having their kitchen exhaust cleaned.

Honestly though, this is a question that does not have a simple answer because of many variables.

This is complicated for customers to grasp, because the needs depend on various things.

Let’s lay out some basic cleaning requirements that apply to all commercial cooking operations. Although not exhaustive, this summary should offer a guide.

Every kitchen will need cleaning more or less frequently and our experts here at Performance Industrial can help you decide on the best cleaning schedule for your establishment.

Cleaning Requirements

How often kitchen exhaust systems require cleaning varies based on the amount and frequency of cooking. On this subject, NFPA 96 outlines the details.

NFPA 96 Table: See Below

Volume of Cooking by TypeInspection Frequency
• Cooking operations utilizing solid fuels.Monthly
• Service for high-volume cooking operationsQuarterly
• Equipment for moderate-volume cooking operations.Semiannually
• Each systems for low-volume cooking operationsAnnually

Establishments that use greasier foods, however, such as those specializing in meat-based or oil heavy cuisines, and are producing higher amounts of food will naturally experience more buildup and require more regular cleanings.

Home kitchen helps are controlled by NFPA 96 Standards and those related to it; Next, businesses operate 24/7, continuous cooking builds a lot of grease! Thus, they NEED quarterly inspection and cleaning.

Kitchens with moderate use, or those with very low grease usage, like breakfast/brunch restaurants, should be cleaned two to three times a year. Settings with limited cooking, such as church or youth groups, might only need annual cleans.

Assessing Your Needs

Not all restaurants comply with NFPA guidelines, however, so exceptions to the rule are inevitable. So how do we know how often to clean?

We get to know you through your initial cleanings and by checking grease buildup, we can get a feel on how frequently you need service. Excessive accumulation necessitates more frequent cleaning to keep the facility up to standards.

Why Regular Cleanings Are Important

A refusal to clean for cost-savings or convenience puts safety and property at risk. More than 10,000 restaurant fires each year result from poorly maintained kitchen exhaust and hood systems.

Of course, skipping on kitchen exhaust cleaning can be an expensive oversight.

This is important for fire prevention, since grease is such an effective fuel. Routine cleanings comply with local and national codes, protecting your business from fire hazards.

Adjusting Frequency

Your cleaning needs could change as your business grows. Higher production may require more frequent cleanings, while less activity may allow for less frequent maintenance. Starting a preventative maintenance schedule with Performance Industrial now will protect your investment, and keep you in compliance while hardly lifting a finger.

Safety from the peril of fire tops the list of priorities when it comes to your commercial kitchen business.

Brazas Fire is the preferred name in commercial Albuquerque kitchen hood cleaning service, boasting proven outcomes that tower over the competition. If you are looking to keep your commercial kitchen safe and clean, give us a call to find out more! There you can give what your business needs to avoid fires. They can trust us, if they want the best results for their business.